Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Top Ten Ways To Address National Issues

I went back and forth about posting this...I don't like to get into politics with people. But, I want moms to know why getting involved with politics matters for them now, more than ever. So, I am putting this one in under the wire. I hope some of you ladies get a chance to dig into these issues with me and uncover the power we have collectively. Here are my thoughts on the matter:

With mid-term elections right around the corner, I thought I might take a minute to encourage my fellow mom's to participate in the political decisions of our beloved country. You may be feeling like the future for you're children's freedom is hopeless. Or, you may not think it matters either way. I want to assure you that there IS hope and it DOES matter. There are some very real issues affecting the potential freedoms of mothers and their children that only mothers have the power to address. I believe that, if we mamas band together, that could be the start of the next meaningful political revolution. The problem is, most moms don't care about political revolution. We care about precious moments and raising well adjusted members of society. But, if we don't focus on the future of politics, it won't matter how well adjusted our kids grow to be. So, today, I want to look at 10 things to think about before this year's elections. This list is a combination of issues to focus on and a look at the current political climate. Today, I will provide you with the list. Over the remainder of the week, I will given an overview of each topic. My hope is to take these political terms and discuss them in real language. This is not meant to be a an exhaustive study on each topic. But, it should give you some insight as to why these topics affect moms in a very real way. Food for thought, so to speak.

10. Government over-reach

9. Worldview/Moral Erosion

8. Education

7. Medical Decisions

6. Religious Freedom

5. GMO's and Pesticides

4. Feminism

3. Sex Trafficking

2. Congress Grid-Lock

1. Government Spending

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